Debi – Managing Director

Hanna - Director

Designer, buyer, and founder of Sienna Glass – from the kitchen table!

Debi designs and develops all of our products and works hard to bring them to life!

Find out more about Debi Here

Debi’s Daughter, has worked for the business since she left University in 2015.

Hanna manages the office and packing department, as well as marketing the business.

Dave - Accounting

Tia – Admin/Packing

Dave joined our team in 2021 after trying to retire.

Head of accounting, and all Warehouse organisation.


Packaging your orders on a Monday and Tuesday, handling your queries Wednesday-Friday… is there anything she can’t do?!

Jackie – Warehouse Supervisor

Sarah – Warehouse Supervisor

Works with Sarah supervising our packing team. Will often be the one to have picked and packed your Wholesale order!

Works with Jackie supervising our packing team. Will often be the one to have picked and packed your Wholesale order!

Sarah - Packing

Laura - Admin

Our first and longest standing employee!

Works had to individually package each friendship and spirit ball to your specification.

Tuesday & Wednesday Admin, here to help you with all of your questions and queries!

Jayne - Packing

Kieran - Sales

Loves to pack the big orders, so the bigger order the better please!


Chatty man! Expect a call from him soon to keep you up to date with everything Sienna!

Alfie – Office Pup

 Baley - Office Pup 


Our latest addition to the team, and Baley's best friend! 

Mainly sleeps on the job!

Tiniest member of the team.

Great at shredding, and greeting anyone that comes through the door!


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